ExpressionEngine Docs

Developing Prolets

Prolets are add-on components that reveal some of add-on’s functionality for the Control Panel to the front-end, making possible to edit data directly on page where it belongs.

Prolet File Structure

A Prolet’s file needs to be placed in main add-on’s directory, together with other main components (modules, extensions, fieldtypes). The file name should start with pro. followed by prolet short name and ending with .php extension. So if you have sample add-on and you want to create sample_prolet prolet for it, the file will be user/addons/sample/pro.sample_prolet.php.

Inside a prolet file, you are required to define the prolet class. The class name should consist of prolet name with first letter capitalized followed by _pro postfix. So for the example above, the class name will be Sample_prolet_pro.

All prolets are required to implement ExpressionEngine\Addons\Pro\Service\Prolet\ProletInterface. The easiest way to achieve that is to make prolet extend abstract class ExpressionEngine\Addons\Pro\Service\Prolet\AbstractProlet.

The sample prolet would then look something like

use ExpressionEngine\Addons\Pro\Service\Prolet;

class Sample_prolet_pro extends Prolet\AbstractProlet
    protected $name = 'Sample prolet';

    public function index()
        return 'Hello world!';

Properties and Methods


On each page load, prolets appear on the front-end as Dock buttons. If not specified different, icon.svg from the add-on package folder is used as the Dock button. If you want to specify a different icon to use from the add-on’s folder, you can do that using protected $icon property or public function getIcon().

protected $icon = 'sample_prolet.png';


public function getIcon()
    return 'sample_prolet.png';


Each prolet is required to have a name, which is used as title for the Dock button and also for prolet’s popup window. It can be defined using protected $name property or public function getName(). Using function is recommended because you are able to use lang key in it, making the name translatable.

protected $name = 'Sample Prolet';


public function getName()
    return lang('sample_prolet');

Popup Window Size

If the prolet is opening a popup window (which is what currently all prolets are doing) you are able to specify the window size. Available options are footer, large and small (default) and you can do that using protected $size property or public function getSize().

protected $size = 'footer';


public function getSize()
    return 'large';

Popup Window Buttons

By default each prolet popup window is generated with a “Save” button in the footer which sends “save” JavaScript event to the prolet. You can change that to display different buttons, or no buttons at all, using protected $buttons property or public function getButtons().

protected $buttons = []; // No buttons will be shown


public function getButtons()
    return [
        ['text' => lang('do_something_cool'), 'event' => 'let_everyone_know'],
        ['text' => lang('do_something_else'), 'event' => 'keep_secret']

Controller Action

Prolets are required to contain some method which will generate the data to be outputted. By default this is assumed to be index() method, however you can specify different function name using protected $action property or public function getAction().

protected $action = 'do_something_cool';


public function getAction()
    return 'do_something_else';

Prolet action method (public function index(); or function with name returned by getAction() as explained above) can return array of data or string.

If the data returned is of Array type, it is being passed to ExpressionEngine Pro’s shared form view, which is similar to ExpressionEngine’s Shared Form View, however you are only required to have sections key in the returned data array. The result will be a form with submission endpoint being set to same prolet controller action.

public function index()
    if (ee('Request)->isPost()) {
        //handle form submission
        return ee()->output->send_ajax_response(['success']);
    $vars['sections'] = array(
          'title' => 'site_name',
          'fields' => array(
            'site_name' => array(
            'type' => 'text',
            'value' => $site->site_label,
            'required' => TRUE
    return $vars;

If the data returned is of String type then this string is being wrapped in some required HTML and returned into prolet popup window. In you need a form to be created, you would need to handle that (additionally you can use one of your MCP actions as endpoint)

Prolets are expecting form submissions to return JSON upon successful response, which will close their windows.

Prolet Types

Essentially there are two types of prolets.

Non-initializable prolets are displayed and allow data manipulation on every page of website where Dock is enabled.

Initializable prolets work the same way, but they are only displayed on pages where they have been initialized, which usually would happen by placing certain template tags in the template.

Initializable Prolets

Initializable prolets are required to implement ExpressionEngine\Addons\Pro\Service\Prolet\InitializableProletInterface.

use ExpressionEngine\Addons\Pro\Service\Prolet;

class Sample_prolet_pro extends Prolet\AbstractProlet implements Prolet\InitializableProletInterface
    protected $name = 'Sample prolet';

    public function index()
        return 'Hello world!';

In order for the prolet to be initialized, the module tag from your add-on needs to be called on page. In the programmatic code for that tag, you would need to place a call to ee('pro:Prolet')->initialize()

if (defined('IS_PRO') && IS_PRO) {
    ee('pro:Prolet')->initialize('sample_prolet', ['entry_id' => $entry_id]);

You would need to make sure to wrap the code in if (defined('IS_PRO') && IS_PRO) { conditional, so it would be run only on ExpressionEngine versions that support Pro and have it installed.

Two parameters need to be passed to ee('pro:Prolet')->initialize() function. First is the prolet name, in our example sample_prolet. Second is an array of data that is being passed to prolet via GET request (in our example we pass entry_id).