ExpressionEngine Docs


ExpressionEngine’s Search Module has several individual tags that work together to perform searches and display search results.

As of ExpressionEngine 7, users can take advantage of Pro Search, which offers more robust searching, filtering, and other advanced features. Pro Search can be installed from the Add-ons section of the Control Panel.

Simple Search Form

The Simple Search Form tag allows you to easily add a single-form search field to your site. This allows you to have a simple search box in a sidebar of your site.

Advanced Search Form

The Advanced Search Form tag allows you to display a detailed search form that will allow your users to make “power searches” to find the information they need.

Displaying Search Results

The Displaying Search Results page details the tags available for controlling how you display results from your searches.

Search Syntax

In addition to the options you have available for selection on the Advanced Search Form, you can also narrow down your searches by using special syntax with in the search keyword field.

  • To search for a phrase, place the words inside double quotes. e.g. “Louis Armstrong”
  • To search for entries without certain words or phrases, place a negative sign (“-“) before it. e.g. “Lance Armstrong” -charity