ExpressionEngine Docs

CP/Sidebar Service

Automatically Created Sidebars

If you are automatically generating a sidebar in your add-on you can use either of these methods to customize the sidebar further:

  • Modify the sidebar on every page load in the in the process() method of your ControlPanel/Routes/Sidebar.php file. The sidebar object is available using $this->getSidebar() You can also loop through each sidebar item with $this->getItems()`
  • Modify the sidebar only when a specific route is loaded by accessing the sidebar instance in the process() function of the route file (ControlPanel/Routes/[route_name].php).You can modify the sidebar item connected to the current route by using $this->getCurrentSidebarItem() with the BasicItem Methods listed below. You can also use $this->getSidebar() to get the entire sidebar instance.

Simple Example

// The Control Panel's left sidebar is built with the Sidebar Service:
$sidebar = ee('CP/Sidebar')->make();

// You can add items:
$item = $sidebar->addItem(lang('new'), ee('CP/URL', 'addons/settings/fortune_cookie/create'));

// Items can have an icon:

// Items may be marked as active:

// You can add dividers:

// You can add a header:
$header = $sidebar->addHeader('Settings');

// Header's may have a list. A list may be a basic list or a folder list:
$basic_list  = $header->addBasicList();
$folder_list = $header->addFolderList($name);

// Lists have items:
$basic_item  = $basic_list->addItem($text, $url);
$folder_item = $folder_list->addItem($text, $url)

// Folder list items may also be marked as default:

// Basic list items may also be marked as a delete action:

// You can add a folder list directly to a sidebar without a header:
$folder_list = $sidebar->addFolderList($name);

Reorderable Folder Lists

Folder lists can be reordered:


Calling canReorder() will automatically bind the appropriate JavaScript and styles to the list to enable its folder items to be dragged and sorted. Reordering list items won’t cause them to stick from request to request, that’s something you would need to implement to suit your particular add-on. To hook into the sort event to perform custom operations on sort, set a callback like so:

EE.cp.folderList.onSort('list-name', function(list) {
  // Do as you wish with the passed list object

Where 'list-name' is the unique name you have your folder list. A jQuery object of the folder list element will be passed to the callback, in which you have access to various data about your list items. For example, you may want to gather the unique identifiers for the folder items and send them to an AJAX request, as we do for template groups:

// Reorder template groups
EE.cp.folderList.onSort('template-group', function(list) {
  // Create an array of template group names
  var template_groups = $.map($('> li', list), function(list_item) {
    return $(list_item).data('group_name');

    url: EE.template_groups_reorder_url,
    data: { 'groups': template_groups },
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json'

CP/Sidebar Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Sidebar\Sidebar


Makes a new Sidebar object.

Parameter Type Description
Returns URL $this


Renders the sidebar

Parameter Type Description
Returns String The rendered HTML of the sidebar

addHeader($text, $url = NULL)

Adds a header to the sidebar

Parameter Type Description
$text String The text of the header
$url CP/URL or string An optional CPURL object or string containing the URL for the text.
Returns Header A new Header object.

addItem($text, $url = NULL)

Adds a BasicItem to the sidebar

Parameter Type Description
$text String The item text
$url CP/URL or string An optional CPURL object or string containing the URL for the text.
Returns BasicItem A new BasicItem object.


Adds a divider to the sidebar


Adds a folder list to the sidebar

Parameter Type Description
$name String The name of the folder list
Returns FolderList A new FolderList object


Adds an action bar to the bottom of the sidebar

Parameter Type Description
Returns ActionBar A new ActionBar object

Header Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Sidebar\Header


Marks the header as active

Parameter Type Description
Returns Header $this

withButton($text, $url)

Sets the button property of the header

Parameter Type Description
$text String The text of the button
$url CP/URL or string A CPURL object or string containing the URL for the button.
Returns Header $this


Adds a basic list under this header

Parameter Type Description
Returns BasicList A new BasicList object


Adds a folder list under this header

Parameter Type Description
$name String The name of the folder list
Returns FolderList A new FolderList object


Sets the URL property of the header

Deprecated since v6.0.0. When a link is needed, a sidebar item should be used instead: $sidebar->addItem(). Headers should be used to mark sections of the sidebar, not as links.

urlIsExternal($external = TRUE)

Sets the URL is external property

Deprecated since v6.0.0. When a link is needed, a sidebar item should be used instead: $sidebar->addItem(). Headers should be used to mark sections of the sidebar, not as links.

BasicList Methods

addItem($text, $url = NULL)

Adds an item to the list

Parameter Type Description
$text String The text of the item
$url CP/URL or string A CPURL object or string containing the URL for the item.
Returns BasicItem A new BasicItem object.

BasicItem Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Sidebar\BasicItem


Sets the icon for the item

Parameter Type Description
$icon string Name of the icon
Returns BasicItem $this


Sets the URL property of the item

Parameter Type Description
$url CP/URL or string A CPURL object or string containing the URL for the item.
Returns BasicItem $this

urlIsExternal($external = TRUE)

Sets the URL is external property

Parameter Type Description
$external Bool(optional) TRUE if it is external, FALSE if not
Returns BasicItem $this


Marks the item as active

Parameter Type Description
Returns BasicItem $this

asDeleteAction($modal_name = '')

Marks the item as a delete action

Parameter Type Description
$modal_name String The name of the modal this delete action will trigger
Returns BasicItem $this

FolderList Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Sidebar\FolderList

addItem($text, $url = NULL)

Adds an item to the list

Parameter Type Description
$text String The text of the item
$url CP/URL or string An optional CPURL object or string containing the URL for the item.
Returns FolderList A new FolderList object.


Sets the URL to use when removing an item

Parameter Type Description
$url CP/URL or string A CPURL object or string containing the URL to use when removing an
Returns FolderList $this


Sets the name of variable passed with the removal action.

Parameter Type Description
$key String The name of the variable with.
Returns FolderList $this


Sets the no results text which will display if this header’s list(s) are empty.

Parameter Type Description
$msg String The text to display when the list(s) are empty.
Returns FolderList $this


Allows the folder list to be reordered.

Parameter Type Description
Returns FolderList $this

FolderItem Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Sidebar\FolderItem


Sets the icon for the item

Parameter Type Description
$icon string Name of the icon
Returns FolderItem $this


Sets the URL property of the item

Parameter Type Description
$url CP/URL or string A CPURL object or string containing the URL for the item.
Returns FolderItem $this

urlIsExternal($external = TRUE)

Sets the URL is external property

Parameter Type Description
$external Bool(optional) TRUE if it is external, FALSE if not
Returns FolderItem $this


Marks the item as active

Parameter Type Description
Returns FolderItem $this


Marks the item as default

Parameter Type Description
Returns FolderItem $this


Shows the edit button on the sidebar item.

Parameter Type Description
Returns FolderItem $this


Hides the edit button on the sidebar item.

Parameter Type Description
Returns FolderItem $this


Shows the delete button on the sidebar item.

Parameter Type Description
Returns FolderItem $this


Hides the delete button on the sidebar item.

Parameter Type Description
Returns FolderItem $this


Sets the edit URL property of the item

Parameter Type Description
$url CP/URL or string A CPURL object or string containing the URL in order to edit the item.
Returns FolderItem $this


Sets the remove confirmation message for this item.

Parameter Type Description
$msg String The message that will be displayed as the confirmation when attempting to remove this item
Returns FolderItem $this


Sets the identity value for this item which is used when this item is removed.

Parameter Type Description
$val String The value to place in the data attribute for use when removing an item
Returns FolderItem $this

ActionBar Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Sidebar\ActionBar

withLeftButton($text, $url, $rel = NULL)

Sets the button that appears on the left side of the bar.

Parameter Type Description
$text String The text of the item
$url CP/URL or string A CPURL object or string containing the URL for the item.
$rel String Optional string to set on the rel= attribute of the button.
Returns ActionBar $this

withRightButton($text, $url, $rel = NULL)

Sets the button that appears on the right side of the bar.

Parameter Type Description
$text String The text of the item
$url CP/URL or string A CPURL object or string containing the URL for the item.
$rel String Optional string to set on the rel= attribute of the button.
Returns ActionBar $this