ExpressionEngine Docs

Rich Text Editor Fieldtype

The Rich Text Editor is like a word processor that allows you to create richly-formatted content without writing any HTML. For example, you can create links, insert images, create bulleted or numbered lists, and a whole lot more.

You can find out more about general RTE configuration by reading the Rich Text Editor add-ons documentation.

rte field

Field Settings

When creating or modifying RTE field, the following field settings are available.

Field features


If you have Pages module (or third-party add-ons with compatible functionality) installed you can use @-mentions to quickly insert links to site pages.

Type @ and then continue typing entry title and you will be offered selection of matching pages altogether with their channel names, from which you can pick the one that you need and your typed input will be replaced with the selected entry title being linked to proper page URL.

If you need the text to appear with the @ sign exactly as typed, you can select the bottom option for this.

Template Tag


The formatted field content can displayed in templates using field name (rte_field in this example) as a variable.

In addition to this, the following modifiers are available:


If your field has a “Read More” separator, this returns your RTE field contents up until that point. Otherwise it will return the full contents of your RTE field.


For use in conditionals. Returns “y” if your RTE field has a “Read More” separator within it.


{if rte_field:has_excerpt=='y'}
    <a href="{path='blog/full-posts/{url_title}'}">Read more...</a>


If your field has a “Read More” separator, this returns the remaining portion of your RTE field contents after that point. Otherwise it won’t return anything.


<div class="extended">

Text-only mode

If you pass the parameter text_only="yes" to RTE template tags, all HTML tags will be removed from the content, leaving only the text.

{rte_field text_only="yes"}

If you just want to remove the images, but leave the rest of the HTML markup in place, you can pass remove_images="yes" instead.

{rte_field remove_images="yes"}

Images-only mode

If you pass the parameter images_only="yes" to RTE template tags, everything but the images will be removed from the content.

{rte_field images_only="yes"}

If you want to have complete control over the HTML output, use a tag pair:

    {rte_field images_only="yes"}
        <li><img src="{src}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="{alt}" /></li>

Images-only tag parameters

The following parameters are available to help customize the images-only output:

Images-only variable tags

The following variable tags are available within the tag pair: