ExpressionEngine Docs

Forum Module Extension Hooks

forum_add_template($which, $classname)

Parameter Type Description
$which String The name of the template to be loaded.
$classname String The name of the class and thus folder associated with the template name
Returns String Modified $classname

Allows the addition and loading of entirely new templates.

How it’s called:

$classname = ee()->extensions->call('forum_add_template', $which, $classname);

forum_include_extras($this, $function, $element)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum object
$function String The name of the template being parsed.
$element String A string containing the contents of the template.
Returns String Modified temlate ($element)

Allows additional processing of forum templates that are not associated with an existing forum method call. Can be used in conjunction with the forum_add_template hook to parse entirely new templates.

How it’s called:

$element = ee()->extensions->call('forum_include_extras', $this, $function, $element);

forum_submission_form_start($this, $str)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$str String Submission form template
Returns String Modified forum template ($str)

Allows rewrite or modify of Submission form template before processing

How it’s called:

$str = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_submission_form_start', $this, $str);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $str;

forum_submission_form_end($this, $str)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$str String Submission form template
Returns String Modified form template ($str)

Final chance to modify the submission form before it is displayed

How it’s called:

$str = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_submission_form_end', $this, $str);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $str;

forum_submission_page($this, $type)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$type String new_topic, edit_topic, new_reply, edit_reply
Returns Void

Allows usurping of forum submission forms and more error checking and permissions, too.

How it’s called:

$edata = $this->extensions->universal_call('forum_submission_page', $this, $type);
if ($this->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $edata;


Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
Returns Void

Allows usurping of forum submission routine or possible adding more checks and permissions.

How it’s called:

$edata = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_submit_post_start', $this);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $edata;

forum_submit_post_end($this, $data)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$data Array the forum post data array
Returns Void

Do more processing after the post is submitted.

How it’s called:

$edata = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_submit_post_end', $this, $data);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $edata;

Note: User notifications have not been sent at this point.

forum_threads_template($this, $str, $tquery)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$str String The topics thread template
$tquery Object Thread database object
Returns String Modified threads template ($str) before processing

Allows modifying of the Threads display template before it is processed.

How it’s called:

$str = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_threads_template', $this, $str, $tquery);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $str;

forum_thread_rows_absolute_end($this, $data, $thread_rows)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$data Array Information about the current group of thread_rows (announcement,
$thread_rows String The fully processed thread row template
Returns String Modified thread row template ($thread_rows)

Take the processed thread rows and do what you wish

How it’s called:

$thread_rows = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_thread_rows_absolute_end', $this, $data, $thread_rows);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $thread_rows;

forum_thread_rows_loop_start($this, $data, $row, $temp)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$data Array The data for all thread rows
$row Array The data for this thread row (post)
$temp String The processed thread row
Returns String Modified thread row ($temp)

Modify the thread row template and data before any processing takes place.

How it’s called:

$temp = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_thread_rows_loop_start', $this, $data, $row, $temp);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return;

forum_thread_rows_loop_end($this, $data, $row, $temp)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$data Array The data for all thread rows
$row Array The data for this thread row (post)
$temp String The processed thread row
Returns String Modified thread row ($temp)

Modify the processed row before it is appended to the template output.

How it’s called:

$temp = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_thread_rows_loop_end', $this, $data, $row, $temp);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return;

forum_thread_rows_start($this, $template, $data, $is_announcement, $thread_review)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$template String The topics thread row template
$data Array The data for this thread row (post)
$is_announcement Boolean TRUE if announcement
$thread_review Boolean TRUE if thread review
Returns String Modified thread rows template ($template)

Allows modifying of the thread rows template.

How it’s called:

$template = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_thread_rows_start', $this, $template, $data, $is_announcement, $thread_review);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $template;

forum_topics_absolute_end($this, $result, $str)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$result Array Array of all of the displayed topics
$str String The finalized topics template
Returns String Modified topics template ($str)

Modify the finalized topics template and do what you wish.

How it’s called:

$str = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_topics_absolute_end', $this, $query->result(), $str);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $str;

forum_topics_loop_start($this, $result, $row, $temp)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$result Array Array of all of the topics
$row Array The data for this topic
$temp String The yet-to-be-processed template
Returns String Modified topic row template ($temp)

Modify the topic row template and data before any processing takes place.

How it’s called:

$temp = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_topics_loop_start', $this, $query->result(), $row, $temp);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return;

forum_topics_loop_end($this, $result, $row, $temp)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$result Array Array of all of the topics
$row Array The data for this topic
$temp String The yet-to-be-processed template
Returns String Modified topic row ($temp)

Modify the processed topic row before it is appended to the template output.

How it’s called:

$temp = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_topics_loop_end', $this, $query->result(), $row, $temp);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return;

forum_topics_start($this, $str)

Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$str String The topics template
Returns String Modified topics template ($str)

Allows modifying of the Topics display template before it is processed.

How it’s called:

$str = ee()->extensions->universal_call('forum_topics_start', $this, $str);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $str;


Parameter Type Description
$this Object The current Forum Core object
$table_rows String The unparsed forum table rows template
$row Array Array of data for the current row
$markers Array Array of topic markers
$read_topics Array Array of topics read by current visitor
Returns Array Modified and parsed forum table rows template ($table_rows)

Allows modifying of the forum_table_rows template

How it’s called:

$table_rows = ee()->extensions->universal_call('main_forum_table_rows_template', $this, $table_rows, $row, $markers, $read_topics);
if (ee()->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return $table_rows;