ExpressionEngine Docs

Grid Fieldtype

The Grid field in ExpressionEngine provides a way to group fieldtypes in repeatable rows. This is useful for when you need to group a subset of data in your channel entry form that may or may not have a varying number of rows. You can select a minimum and a maximum amount of rows to allow data entry for, or it can be virtually infinite.

grid field

Field Settings

Minimum Rows

Specifies the minimum number of rows this Grid will have. For example, if you enter 3, the publish form will load with three rows ready to be populated and will not allow the publisher to have less than three rows in this Grid field.

Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows this Grid can have. For example, if you enter 10, the publish form will not allow the publisher to add any more than ten rows to this Grid field.

Allow reordering

Enables moving the Grid rows with drag & drop to change the order

Grid layout

Tip: Grid Field Layout

Auto (default) - the fields within the grid will be placed in a horizontal row on bigger screens, and stacked vertically on smaller screens or when there is not enough space on the page.

Vertical layout - The fields within the grid will always be stack vertically on the publish form.

Horizontal layout - The fields within the grid will always be stacked horizontally on the publish form.

Grid Fields

Here, you specify the columns you want in your Grid field. All native fieldtypes are available to add and have many of the same configuration options as full fields do.

Template Tags

Contents of a Grid field are accessed via a variable pair surrounding prefixed variables representing each column. For example, if you have a field gallery with an image and credit fields, your template code may look like this:

        <img src="{gallery:image}">
        <figcaption>Photo by {gallery:credit}</figcaption>

Grid has a number of parameters and other variables available in order to get the information you need out of it.




Just like the backspace parameter on the Channel Entries module, backspacing removes characters (including spaces and line breaks) from the last iteration of the loop.



The Dynamic Parameters feature permits a Grid field tag’s parameters to be set “on the fly” using POST data data submitted via a form. A practical use for this is to create some display options in a form on your page that your visitors can use to select their preferred page view.

Note: This feature will only work if page caching is turned OFF for the template in which it is being used.

Every parameter available to the Grid field tag can be set dynamically.



Allows the output of the tag pair to order rows in a fixed order of row IDs.



Limits the number of rows output by the tag pair to the number specified here. The limit will default to 100 rows if a value is not specified.



Offsets the number of rows output by the tag pair to the number specified here.



Allows the output of the tag pair to be ordered by a specific column, defaults to row order as set on the channel entry publish form. Entering random will return the rows in a random order.



Tells the tag pair to only output rows for the database IDs of the rows specified. Multiple rows may be specified by separating them with a pipe character:


Or use “not” to exclude rows:

row_id="not 8|15|87"



Tells the tag pair to return rows only matching a certain search criteria. The behavior and syntax is identical to the search parameter of the Channel Entries module.



Specifies the direction of the sorting of the tag output. Defaults to ascending.




The “count” out of the current rows being displayed. If five rows are being displayed, then for the fourth entry the count variable would have a value of “4”.



The count of the row inside the field regardless of tag output.



The index of the row inside the field regardless of tag output.



The total number of rows in the field regardless of tag output criteria.



The count of the rows but starting at zero.


    <a href="/gallery/lumenhaus/{gallery:row_id}">Previous photo</a>

Used as a tag pair within the parent Grid field tag pair, provides access to data in the previous row in the dataset.


    <a href="/gallery/lumenhaus/{gallery:row_id}">Next photo</a>

Used as a tag pair within the parent Grid field tag pair, provides access to data in the next row in the dataset.



The database ID of the current row.



Identical to the switch variable available in the Channel Entries tag pair, but prefixed for your Grid field.



The total number of rows being returned by the current display criteria.


All modifiers have access to the tag parameters available to the primary tag which are listed above.


{grid_field:average column="height" search:height=">55"}

Given a column name containing numeric data, returns the average of the column values in that field, or in the dataset paired down by additional criteria such as search.


{grid_field:highest column="height"}

Given a column name containing numeric data, returns the highest of the column values in that field, or in the dataset paired down by additional criteria such as search.


{grid_field:lowest column="height"}

Given a column name containing numeric data, returns the lowest of the column values in that field, or in the dataset paired down by additional criteria such as search.


{grid_field:sum column="height"}

Given a column name containing numeric data, returns the sum of the column values in that field, or in the dataset paired down by additional criteria such as search.


{grid_field:table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"}

Outputs the data in the Grid field as a table. All parameters available to the primary tag are available in addition to these:

  • border= Sets border attribute on the table’s HTML element
  • cellspacing= Sets cellspacing attribute on the table’s HTML element
  • cellpadding= Sets cellpadding attribute on the table’s HTML element
  • class= Sets class attribute on the table’s HTML element
  • id= Sets ID attribute on the table’s HTML element
  • set_classes= If set to ‘y’, adds column name to the class attribute of each cell.
  • set_widths= If set to ‘y’, sets the same column widths configured for each column in the Grid field’s settings.
  • width= Sets width attribute on the table’s HTML element


{grid_field:total_rows search:height=">55"}

When outside of a Grid field tag pair, this modifier can be used to get the total number of rows in a field given a specific criteria.


{grid_field:next_row row_id="{segment_3}"}
    Next up: <a href="/gallery/photo/{grid_field:row_id}">{grid_field:title}</a>

Given a row ID, this tag pair will provide access to the next row in the field criteria. The row_id may be populated via a segment variable.


{grid_field:prev_row row_id="5"}
    Previous: <a href="/gallery/photo/{grid_field:row_id}">{grid_field:title}</a>

Given a row ID, this tag pair will provide access to the previous row in the field criteria. The row_id may be populated via a segment variable.


Checkbox and Multi Select Fields

For checkbox and multiselect single variables:


This would output a comma-separated list of the checkbox labels.

For checkbox and multiselect variable pairs:

     Value: {item}<br>
     Value: {item:value}<br>
     Label: {item:label}<br>

Date Fields

  {grid_field:my_date format="%F %d %Y"}

Email Address Fields

  {if grid_field:my_email}
    {grid_field:my_email:mailto title="Email about their dog" subject="Question about your dog" encode="no"}

File Fields

A file field variable pair:

      File title: {title}
      Extension: {extension}
      Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
      URL: {url}
      Custom med thumbnail url: {url:med}

Single variable file field:

  URL: {grid_field:my_image}

Relationship Fields

  {grid_field:my_relationship status="open"}
      {if grid_field:my_relationship:count == 1}<h3>Relationships ({grid_field:my_relationship:total_results})</h3>{/if}

      Related entry title: {grid_field:my_relationship:title}
      Related entry's file field, med custom image size: {grid_field:my_relationship:my_file:med wrap="image"}


Toggle Fields

  {if grid_field:my_toggle}YES there is a toggle value!{/if}

URL Fields

  <a href="{grid_field:my_url}">Your Link</a>