ExpressionEngine Docs

Linking to Scripts

Script Global Variable

The script global variable is meant for generating URLs for use when linking to scripts. The basic syntax is this:


Make sure you substitute “template_group” and “js_template” with the name of your actual template group and JS template.

The script variables is used exclusively in the JS declarations in your pages. It must contain the template group/template name where your script is located:

<link rel="preload" as="script" href="{script='channel/channel_js'}" />

<script src="{script='channel/channel_js'}"></script>

In many respects, this variable works much like the {path=’’} global variable. However, there are some special considerations for the script variable:

Using Tags and PHP in a Script

Additionally, you can allow your scripts to run through the full template parser so tags and PHP can be used. To do so, just use a normal path variable to access your script. If you specify a template this way make sure that it is set to “JS” as the Template Type.