ExpressionEngine Docs

Form Fields

Every Field Set consists of one or more Fields. The below covers everything about Fields.


When working with Fields, you’ll always request it from the Field Set object to request it, initially. Once you have it, you’ll decorate it like everything else. For example:

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$field_group = $form->getGroup('General Settings');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('First Name');

$field = $field_set->getField('first_name', 'text')
    ->setPlaceholder('First Name')

The above will attach a text Input field onto the Field Set “First Name”.

Every existing Shared Form View input field is respected as are a couple additions exclusively through the CP/Form layer:

  • A simplified and streamlined Grid and Table layer
  • Native ExpressionEngine Filepicker
  • Custom HTML Inputs

First Party Fields


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\ActionButton

Adds a “pretty” button style link to your form.


Returns URL you want to use (link).

Parameter Type Description
$link string The full URL you want to use
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Returns URL you want to use (link)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use


The copy to use for the button (text).

Parameter Type Description
$text string The copy to use for the button
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Returns URL you want to use (text)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Checkbox

Adds a specialized widget for checkbox


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Dropdown

Adds a fancy select input field especially useful for large data sets to choose from.


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\File

Adds a traditional file HTML field to your form.


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\FilePicker

Adds a File Picker widget to your shared form


Sets the allowed directory parameter to any upload location.

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\Fields\FilePicker $this, the FilePicker object to help in chaining


Sets the specific upload location to use

Parameter Type Description
$upload_dir int The file upload location ID
Returns Form\Fields\FilePicker $this, the FilePicker object to help in chaining


Determines whether an upload location has been set

Parameter Type Description
Returns boolean Whether the upload location is set


Set the uploaded file type can be any mime type

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\Fields\FilePicker $this, the FilePicker object to help in chaining


Set the uploaded file type to images only

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\Fields\FilePicker $this, the FilePicker object to help in chaining


Determines whether the mime type is locked to images only

Parameter Type Description
Returns boolean Whether the upload is images only


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Grid

Allows for a more streamlined implementation of Grid within Shared Forms. Two important differences with this implementation is a simpler API and direct handling of POST values.

Note that the Grid Field inherits from the Table Field; as such there’s really only a single method.


Determines whether the mime type is locked to images only

Parameter Type Description
$row array An array that represents how your rows should be created
Returns Form\Fields\Grid $this, the Grid object to help in chaining

The $row array should be formatted as a simple 2 level, multidimensional, array with each child representing a column and it’s fields. As of now, the Grid Field accommodates select, text, checkbox, file, password, and textarea fields natively.

See the below example for a complete outline.


$grid = $field_set->getField('my_grid_field', 'grid');

    'field_name' => $grid->getName(),
    'reorder'    => true,

    'text example' => ['sort' => false],
    'select example' => ['sort' => false],
    'password example' => ['sort' => false],
    'checkbox example' => ['sort' => false],
    'textarea example' => ['sort' => false],
    'upload example' => ['sort' => false],

$options = ['foo' => 'Foo', 'bar' => 'Bar'];
$cols = [
    ['name' => 'foo-text', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => ''],
    ['name' => 'barr-select', 'type' => 'select', 'value' => '', 'choices' => $options],
    ['name' => 'foo-password', 'type' => 'password', 'value' => ''],
    ['name' => 'bar-checkbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1],
    ['name' => 'foo-textarea', 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => '', 'cols' => 2, 'rows' => 5],
    ['name' => 'bar-upload', 'type' => 'file', 'value' => '', 'cols' => 2, 'rows' => 5],
    ['foo-text' => 'bar', 'barr-select' => 'foo', 'foo-password' => 'fdsa', 'bar-checkbox' => 1, 'foo-textarea' => '', 'bar-upload' => ''],
    ['foo-text' => 'fdsafdsa', 'barr-select' => 'bar', 'foo-password' => 'fdsa', 'bar-checkbox' => true, 'foo-textarea' => '', 'bar-upload' => '']

$grid->setNoResultsText(sprintf(lang('no_found'), lang('table-thing')), 'add');
$grid->setBaseUrl( ee('CP/URL')->make($this->base_url ));


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Hidden

Adds a hidden field to your form


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Html

Allows for putting raw (unformatted) HTML inside your form


Sets the specific upload location to use

Parameter Type Description
$content string The HTML content you want to output
Returns Form\Fields\Html $this, the Html object to help in chaining


Returns the content (empty string by default)

Parameter Type Description
Returns string The content


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Multiselect

Deploys a series of select input fields together

addDropdown($name, $value, $label, $options)

Adds a single Dropdown element to your Field

Parameter Type Description
$name string The field name to use
$value string The selected value for this field
$label string The label element to use
$options array The choices to use for the select box
Returns Form\Fields\Multiselect $this, the Multiselect object to help in chaining


Returns the content (empty string by default)

Parameter Type Description
$name string The field name to remove
Returns Form\Fields\Multiselect $this, the Multiselect object to help in chaining


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Password

Adds your run of the mill password input field wrapped in magic that puts an eye next to it.


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Radio

This behaves just like checkbox with the exception of being scalar so uses a scalar for the value. See checkbox for details.


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Select

Adds a traditional select input field to your form.


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\ShortText

Adds a small input HTML field wrapped in a div with flex-input as the class. Useful for stacking fields horizontally.


Will place a bold string under the field for users to clickety clackity on

Parameter Type Description
$label string The label string
Returns Form\Fields\ShortText $this, the ShortText object to help in chaining


Returns the label (empty string by default)

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\Fields\ShortText $this, the ShortText object to help in chaining


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Slider

Puts a slider widget into your form


The lowest value in the range of permitted values

Parameter Type Description
$min int The minimum allowed value
Returns Form\Fields\Slider $this, the Slider object to help in chaining


Returns the minimum value to allow

Parameter Type Description
Returns int The minimum allowed value


The greatest value in the range of permitted values

Parameter Type Description
$max int The maximum allowed value
Returns Form\Fields\Slider $this, the Slider object to help in chaining


Returns the maximum value to allow

Parameter Type Description
Returns int The maximum allowed value


Specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to (if any is used, no stepping is implied, and any value is allowed (barring other constraints, such as min and max)

Parameter Type Description
$step mixed The value for the step parameter
Returns Form\Fields\Slider $this, the Slider object to help in chaining


Returns the step value

Parameter Type Description
Returns mixed The set value


The symbol your data can best be represented by (defaults to %)

Parameter Type Description
$step unit The value for the unit parameter
Returns Form\Fields\Slider $this, the Slider object to help in chaining


Returns the unit value

Parameter Type Description
Returns mixed The set value


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Table

Allows for a more streamlined implementation of tables within Shared Forms


Sets the columns and options for the Table. Use this to outline how your columns are rendered and prepared.

Parameter Type Description
$cols array The table column options
Returns Form\Fields\Table $this, the Table object to help in chaining


Returns the column options

Parameter Type Description
Returns array or null Returns the column options


Sets the table options

Parameter Type Description
$cols array The table options
Returns Form\Fields\Table $this, the Table object to help in chaining


Returns the table options

Parameter Type Description
Returns array or null Returns the table options

setNoResultsText($text, $action_text, $action_link, $external)

Sets what the table displays if there isn’t any data provided to it

Parameter Type Description
$text string The string to display next to the action button
$action_text string The string to display inside the action button
$action_link Url The ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Url object
$external boolean Whether the action_link refers to an external link
Returns Form\Fields\Table $this, the Table object to help in chaining


Returns the no results details as an array

Parameter Type Description
Returns array or null Returns the table options


Sets the table row data as an array. Note that this be a multidimensional array with each child element representing a column and each parent a row

Parameter Type Description
$cols array The table row data
Returns Form\Fields\Table $this, the Table object to help in chaining


Returns the table row data

Parameter Type Description
Returns array or null Returns the table options


Adds a single row to the Table

Parameter Type Description
$row array The new row data
Returns Form\Fields\Table $this, the Table object to help in chaining


Sets the URL parameters will be based on

Parameter Type Description
$url Url The ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Url object
Returns Form\Fields\Table $this, the Table object to help in chaining


Returns the ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Url object

Parameter Type Description
Returns Url or null Returns the base url


$table = $field_set->getField('my_table', 'table');

    'lang_cols' => true,
    'class' => 'product_channels'

    'details' => ['sort' => false],
    'value' => ['sort' => false],

$table->setNoResultsText(sprintf(lang('no_found'), lang('product_channels')));
$table->setBaseUrl( ee('CP/URL')->make($this->base_url ));
$data = [];
$data[] = [

    'No, Hello',
    'To You!',


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Text

Adds a traditional input HTML field


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Textarea

Adds a full textarea input field


Flag to replace any ¦ delimiters with new lines (\n)

Parameter Type Description
$min boolean Whether to handle pipes
Returns Form\Fields\Textarea $this, the Textarea object to help in chaining


Returns the minimum value to allow

Parameter Type Description
Returns boolean Whether pipes will be translated


Sets how many columns to set the field to use

Parameter Type Description
$cols int The total number of columns
Returns Form\Fields\Textarea $this, the Textarea object to help in chaining


Returns the number of columns

Parameter Type Description
Returns boolean Returns the number of columns to use


Sets how many rows to set the field to use

Parameter Type Description
$rows int The total number of rows
Returns Form\Fields\Textarea $this, the Textarea object to help in chaining


Returns the number of rows

Parameter Type Description
Returns boolean Returns the number of rows to use


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\Toggle

Adds a Toggle binary toggle


class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Fields\YesNo

Adds a Toggle control that returns either y or n respectively.

The Input Field

If you want to use a native HTML5 input that is not already a Field, you can do so quite easily. IF a Field is requested that doesn’t exist, a Field of the Input variety will be provided. The Input Field provides a single custom method that will allow you to craft custom HTML5 input elements.


A key=>value array of parameters to be chained into a string internally

Parameter Type Description
$value array The params you want to use
Returns Form\Fields\Input $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Here’s a simple example building both number and color Input Fields.

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('color');
$field_set->getField('my_color_field', 'color')->setValue('#C86565');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('number');
$field_set->getField('my_number_field', 'number')->params(['min' => 100, 'max' => 1000])->setRequired(true);

Field API Reference

class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\Field

All input fields are based on the Field object. Note that while every Field will have the below methods available, whether they’re respected by the Shared Form View layer is a different matter.


Returns the entire CP\Form\Field object into an array.

Parameter Type Description
Returns array The Field as an array


Returns the name used upon creation for the Field.

Parameter Type Description
Returns string The raw value used


The class property to apply to the Field (class).

Parameter Type Description
$class string The value to use for the class parameter
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Returns the class property (class)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use


The class margin_top is added to your input element.

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Removes the margin_top from your input

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


The class margin_left is added to your input element.

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Removes the margin_left from your input

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


The string you want to use for your Note (note).

Parameter Type Description
$note string The string to use for your note
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Returns the note string (note)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use


Any custom input parameters you want to attach to your Field (attrs).

Parameter Type Description
$attrs string The attributes. Note they have to be in the form ‘ param=”X” param2=”y” ‘
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Returns the attributes string (attrs)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use


Whether the Field should be editable (disabled).

Parameter Type Description
$disabled boolean Simple boolean
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Whether the Field is disabled (disabled)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or boolean Note that if this isn’t set, it’ll be null by default


The value to use for the “value” parameter (value).

Parameter Type Description
$value mixed What you want to use.
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


The value to use on the Field (value)

Parameter Type Description
Returns mixed The set value


The group you want to relate this Field to (group).

Parameter Type Description
$group string What group toggle this Field is a part of
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


The group this Field is related to (group)

Parameter Type Description
Returns string The set group


The group toggle you want to relate this Field to (group_toggle).

Parameter Type Description
$group_toggle string What group toggle this Field controls
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


The group toggle this Field controls (group_toggle)

Parameter Type Description
Returns string The set group


Whether the field can accept input/editing (required).

Parameter Type Description
$required boolean Whether the Field is required
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Whether this Field is required (required)

Parameter Type Description
Returns boolean Whether the Field is required


The string to use for the input “placeholder” attribute (placeholder).

Parameter Type Description
$placeholder string The value to use
Returns Form\Field $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Whether this Field is required (placeholder)

Parameter Type Description
Returns string The placeholder parameter

OptionsField API Reference

class ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form\OptionsField

Input Fields that allow for multiple options or set input parameters are based on the OptionsField abstract. Note that OptionsField extends from Field so you’ll also have access to those parent methods, as well.

withNoResults($text, $link_text, $link_href)

Used to define quick links when choices are empty.

Parameter Type Description
$text string The value to display next to your action button
$link_text string The text to display in the action button
$link_href string The URL to direct users to
Returns Form\OptionsField $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Will remove the set no results details

Parameter Type Description
Returns Form\OptionsField $this, the Field object to help in chaining


A simple key=>value array pair to populate options (choices).

Parameter Type Description
$choices array The array of options.
Returns Form\OptionsField $this, the Field object to help in chaining


The value to use on the Field (choices)

Parameter Type Description
Returns mixed The set choices


Whether to format text so that it can be safely placed in a form field in the event it has HTML tags (encode).

Parameter Type Description
$encode boolean Whether the Field is encoded
Returns Form\OptionsField $this, the Field object to help in chaining


Whether this Field is encoded (encode)

Parameter Type Description
Returns boolean Whether the Field is encoded


A list of keys used in the options array to prevent selection (disabled_choices).

Parameter Type Description
$disabled_choices array The array of options to disable.
Returns Form\OptionsField $this, the Field object to help in chaining


The set disabled choices (disabled_choices)

Parameter Type Description
Returns mixed The set disabled choices


The text to display if there are no options (empty_text).

Parameter Type Description
$empty_text string The text to display.
Returns Form\OptionsField $this, the Field object to help in chaining


The set text to display (empty_text)

Parameter Type Description
Returns string The set text (null if not set)