ExpressionEngine Docs

Member Management

You’ll find many member management options available at:

  • The Members section, which hosts a comprehensive suite of member management utilities including the Membership Preferences page.
  • The My Account Page, accessible from the Control Panel’s sidebar. It can also display information for any member if you choose a particular member from Members.
  • Member global template variables, which allow you to output information on the current user.
  • Member tags can be used to build a robust frontend member area, enabling your site members to manage their personal profile information without having access to your Control Panel. The Member Management Template Generator can create a set of functional templates that demonstrate how to use these tags along with their available parameters and variables.

Note: A member account’s Username and Screen Name can be identical, but the Username must be unique system-wide.

Member Navigation

A good strategy for member navigation links is to use them within conditional tags that let you present links based on whether someone is logged in or not. Here’s an example:

{if logged_in}
  <a href="{path='member/profile'}">Edit your profile</a><br>
  <a href="{path='member/memberlist'}">View the Memberlist</a><br>
  <a href="{path='logout'}">Log Out</a>
{if logged_out}
  Are you a member? Please <a href="{path='member/login'}">log-in</a>.<br>
  Not a member? <a href="{path='member/register'}">Register</a>.<br>
  Have you <a href="{path='member/forgot'}">forgotten your password</a>?