ExpressionEngine Docs


Contributing to the ExpressionEngine project

We’re excited that you want to get involved in the ExpressionEngine project. There are lots of ways to get started: helping fellow users, reporting and triaging bugs, contributing code, help guide ExpressionEngine’s future, and more! For more information on how to get started please visit the Contributing Guidelines in the GitHub repo.

Contributing to the Docs

Good documentation is the foundation of good software and your contributions can help make good documentation great.

If you’re an ExpressionEngine user, then you have something to add. There is always room for more examples, clarifications, corrections and updates. Jump in and make a pull request or give us a heads up by reporting an issues. Please visit the Docs Contributing Guidelines to learn how to get started.

Related ExpressionEngine University articles: Contributing to ExpressionEngine Documentation

Contributing to ExpressionEngine University

The goal of ExpressionEngine University is to become the central learning center for all things ExpressionEngine. EE:U is vital to the growth and development of ExpressionEngine and the ExpressionEngine Community. If you’ve ever built, designed, or managed a website or web application you have something you can share with the community. Everyone has something to share, no matter how big or small.

To learn more about writing an article for EE:U, visit the Write for Us page on the ExpressionEngine University website.