ExpressionEngine Docs

Jump Menu

Add-ons can easily add custom items for the Jump Menu.

If you are working with an existing add-on, we recommend you start with Modernizing add-ons

Creating your add-on jump file.

Jumps are created via the CLI by using the make:jump command.

php eecli.php make:jump 
Let's create an add-on Jump File!
What add-on is the Jumps file being added to? (amazing_add_on, cron):  [amazing_add_on]
Building Add-on Jumps file now.
Jumps file successfully created! Please note: You may need to clear your browser cache before you can see the new jump menu items

Follow the prompts to add a jump file to your add-on. This will create a jump.amazing_add_on.php file in your add-on.

 ┣ jump.amazing_add_on.php
 ┗ ...

Please note, your jump file will contain of the following:

    use ExpressionEngine\Service\JumpMenu\AbstractJumpMenu;

    class [AddonName]_jump extends AbstractJumpMenu

        protected static $items = array(
          'commandArrayTitle' => array(
            'icon' => 'fa-file',
            'command' => 'few lowercase words to be fuzzy-matched in jump menu',
            'command_title' => 'Displayed <b>command title upon match from above</b>',
            'dynamic' => false,
            'requires_keyword' => false,
            'target' => 'See Below. Behavior changes based on dynamic element above'

To Add Jump Menu commands to your add-on, you simply add array elements to the $items array in the example generated

The array of a Jump Menu command is comprised of the following keys:

  • commandArrayTitle (string) Unique command title used as key in global jumps array. Will be prefixed with the add-ons name so a command title in the add-on AmazingAddOn of processData will be AmazingAddon:processData
  • icon (string) FontAwesome format: fa-file
  • command (string) lowercase string to be fuzzy-matched when user is typing in jump menu: “edit external source”
  • command_title (string) Language file array key for Human-readable command title, shows up in results if fuzzy-matched. *Please note, this should be in your Lang file.

Style Note: We use bold, italics, and brackets to denote keywords and actions to the user and urge you to use keep your commands in line with this style: “Edit <b>Your Object</b> titled <i>[secondary keywords]</i>” “Edit Author titled [name]”

  • dynamic (bool) default: false, sets whether your command has secondary options in the jump menu

  • requires_keyword (bool) default: false, Used in conjunction with dynamic. Whether your command requires additional keywords to return results or not. An example of a false would be returning a list of channels. An example of true would be returning entries where you don’t want to prematurely return them before the user enters something to filter by.

  • target (string) Can NOT be to an external link

    • If dynamic == true: method name in your add-on’s jump file that will be called. Will be passed an array of search keywords.
    • If dynamic == false: method name to redirect the user to in your add-on (ex: settings/license)

    This is currently hard-coded to addons/settings/[addon_name]/X but will most likely be changed to allow any CP URL path.

In addition to the required array elements above. There are also the following array element that is optional.

'permission' => 'ban_users'

  • permission (string) ExpressionEngine Role permissions that has to be matched for a user to see this jump menu command.