ExpressionEngine Docs

ExpressionEngine v7 Change Log

Version 7.5.6

(Release: December 10th, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added date format; #4540
  • Set correct HTTP header when accessing invalid action URLs; #4571
  • Show icon in template manager if caching is enabled; #4578
  • Improve member tag support for multiple template engines

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4617 where applying transformation to non-existing image would prevent a page from displaying
  • Resolved #4544 where frontend editing did not work if field was moved to different layout tab
  • Resolved #4564 where deprecated utf8_decode function was used
  • Resolved #4525 where selecting specific date in filter shows error when paginating
  • Resolved #4599 where symbols in field names were rendered as HTML entities
  • Resolved #4464 where French characters were encoded on Field name and/or Channel name
  • Resolved #4408 where Channels with Latin characters transformed to entities in Channel’s list name
  • Resolved an issue where entry titles with certain characters did not display correctly
  • Resolved an issue where incorrect error was shown during installation with missing config file
  • Resolved an issue where the default template engine was not used when copying field codes
  • Resolved an issue where the tmpfile fallback is called
  • Resolved an issue with false positives in file upload checks

Version 7.5.5

(Release: November 20th, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added Fluid Field variables count_group and index_group for use with Field Groups #4594

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4336, #4345 where RTE has CSS issue
  • Resolved #3384 where Reassign Entries dialog did not populate when deleting a member
  • Resolved #4451 where β€œResend activation email” link was not working correctly
  • Resolved #4468 where link to list all members in a role was not correct on Roles page
  • Resolved #4590 where the Channel Calendar tag results could be incorrect
  • Resolved #4575 where Fluid Field loop variables could be incorrect with individual fields
  • Resolved #4588 where copying field code would not work when CP session type was set to session only
  • Resolved an issue with deleting a member through modal window

Version 7.5.4

(Release: November 14th, 2024)

Important: This version includes important security updates.

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Add additional file upload filter

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4583 where cloning an entry moved the revision history to the cloned entry
  • Resolved #4589 where there was an error removing a field from a Fluid field that was also used in a field group
  • Resolved #4500 where the β€œNew entry” dropdown was shown even when the limit of entries was reached
  • Fix PHP deprecation in the file module

Version 7.5.3

(Release: November 6th, 2024)

Important: This version includes important security updates.

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added image metadata stripping as an option on upload (requires Image Magic PHP extension when enabled)
  • Removed unnecessary white line at the bottom of the version area
  • Moblog Set the socket to non-blocking before checking the socket response
  • Added ability to pass filename through to channel set export in code

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4569 where older versions of PHP might throw an error during Pro access checks
  • Resolved #4559 where template export could raise a PHP warning
  • Resolved #4543 where a PHP notice could be shown during relationship sorting
  • Resolved #4511 where PHP warning was shown in the cache file was already cleared
  • Resolved #4504 where POSTed Channel Form values were sometimes not populated correctly in case of validation error
  • Resolved #4489 where Upload Location filter in the File Picker did not work correctly after going into a subdirectory
  • Fixed icon position for required field in grid field body
  • Fixed frontedit js error (contentWindow is undefined)

Version 7.5.2

(Release: October 29, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Update Channel Form for better template engine support

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4538 where during 7.5.0 upgrade empty strings in date fields caused SQL error
  • Resolved #4549 where member:has_role results were inconsistent
  • Resolved #4535 where an odd number of toggle fields in a channel form could become unresponsive
  • Resolved an error where third-party fields couldn’t merge settings
  • Resolved #4352 where image URL was converted to BBCode even when field formatting was set to β€˜none’
  • Resolved #4426 where a deprecation error was shown when clearing the cache using Redis driver
  • Resolved #4502 where a PHP deprecation warning could have been generated in Pro Search
  • Resolved #4417 where content reindex utilities were using same cache key
  • Resolved #4515 where PHP notice was shown when output buffering wasn’t active
  • Resolved #4491 where a line of code was duplicated
  • Resolved #4512 where there was an issue with multiple MiniGridInputs
  • Resolved #4493 where PHP Deprecation was shown when using show_overview parameter in Structure

Version 7.5.1

(Release: October 15, 2024)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4467 where <wbr> tag was not treated correctly when using XHTML field formatting
  • Resolved #4448 where a template engine warning was shown during No Access Redirect
  • Resolved #4444 where PHP deprecation error was shown when using Pro Search with certain parameters
  • Resolved #4349 where PHP warning could be shown by File field if upload destination does not exist
  • Restore field_name_badge view that may be used by Third Party Add-ons
  • Fixed #4490 Typo

Version 7.5.0

(Release: October 15, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Introducing Template Generators
  • Expanded copy shortname functionality to the Channel and Field Manager making it possible to copy full template code for channels, field groups, and fields.
  • Show errors in Control Panel using default layout with sidebar #3536
  • Update specialty message templates if the site is using outdated EE2 versions
  • Fluid Field Group Improvements: Allow field group parsing outside of {fields} loop, Add new fixed_order and order parameters to {fields} tag, Update order of fields within {fields} tag to default to Field Group order
  • Enable cloning of Menu Sets #4214
  • Add support for inline_errors in form submissions #2871
  • Added {exp:channel:field} tag to display field properties #2870
  • Update License Validation banners and improve messaging for users without ability to manage licenses
  • Added new config variable for setting the default template engine $config['default_template_engine']
  • Added Channel filter to the Field Manager
  • Updated Note Fieldtype so it can be used in templates to display its content

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Fixed #4087, #4055 where there were problems with copying short name of a field in the publish form
  • Resolved #3556 where date fields could not accommodate dates past year 2038
  • Resolved #3865 where cloning a fluid field could break existing field groups
  • Fix Live Preview bugs with Fluid field group #4388
  • Fix bug where adding new fields to field group in fluid would not allow existing entries to accept content for that field #3741
  • Fixed possible PHP warnings in Pro Search keyword handling

Version 7.4.11

(Release: June 13, 2024)

Important: This version includes important security updates.

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Add MySQL errors to system error log file
  • Modify model gateways to handle missing relationships more gracefully

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved a serialization issue where retrieving a field from cache might not setup its fieldtype properly
  • Resolved #4286 and #4287 where member listings had pagination issues
  • Resolved an issue where cp_member_reset_password hook did not fire
  • Resolved #4324 where add-on name with caps was snaked cased between caps
  • Resolved #4282 where parse_variables() did not always provide loop variables
  • Resolved #4298 error backing up table with set type column
  • Resolved PHP warnings in Pro Search

Version 7.4.10

(Release: May 21, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Adding HTTP header CSP

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4245 where watermark image paths using config variables weren’t parsed
  • Resolved an issue where setting addon install errors could trigger PHP notice
  • Resolved #4285 where original file dimensions were not returned in AJAX upload response
  • Resolved #4319 by showing an error when image properties can’t be gathered
  • Resolved #4317 where replacing an image would not create manipulations
  • Resolved #4312 where nested categories could display ids in publish tab
  • Resolved #4308 where category tab edit flyout didn’t work
  • Resolved #4300 where url title validation failed with some emoji
  • Resolved #4291 where the move action was missing from the all files listing
  • Resolved issues with Pending Member Management
  • Resolved #3554 where image manipulation path could be incorrect on Windows
  • Resolved #4244 where conditional sync sometimes failed
  • Resolved #4249 where ID of perpage dropdown was not unique
  • Resolved #3908 where Structure URI for new entry could have been different from URL Title
  • Resolved #4201 where limit was not applied to memberlist tag when pagination variables not present
  • Resolved #4217 where image thumbnails were cached after replacement

Version 7.4.9

(Release: April 23, 2024)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Fix structure empty template id validation issue
  • Resolved #4131 where not all custom fields were displayed when creating member in the CP
  • Resolved #4196 where Spam stopwords language file could not be loaded
  • Resolved #4258 where no error was shown in File Manager when uploading too large files
  • Resolved #4207 where Color Picker settings were not displayed when adding new column into Grid field
  • Resolved #4246 where using * could result in invalid URL Title being generated programmatically
  • Resolved #4197 sql error from saving invalid entry with member

Version 7.4.8

(Release: April 18, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added focus on search input when choosing the type for a new field.

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4187 where Pro Variables tag was causing a warning
  • Resolved issue where an entry without structure parent fails validation

Version 7.4.7

(Release: April 15, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Allow automatic login and redirect to custom page after account activation; #3581
  • Open date field localization info in new window
  • Improved Authors dropdown when editing entry by showing Member ID; #4168

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #1333 where having template files stored outside of site folder could cause PHP warnings
  • Resolved an issue with tmpfile fallback not being possible in PHP7
  • Resolved #3951 where File Grid doesn’t allow uploading multiple images using β€œUpload New” button
  • Resolved #4192 where edit_avatar tag did not accept webp file
  • Resolved #3992 where Superadmin did not have a way to disable MFA for users
  • Fixed an issue where reordering items in Menu Sets did not work
  • Resolved #4210 where members fieldtype had issues in LivePreview
  • Resolved #4069 where incorrect fieldtype options were shown on load
  • Do not hide saved field options in entry if the field settings do not contain those options anymore; #2973
  • Resolved #4193 where Select dropdown could show incorrect values as selected
  • Resolved #4194 where profile edit form needed extra validation

Version 7.4.6

(Release: April 1, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Improved Avatar image to ensure it correctly displays images of all aspect ratios; #4175
  • Default search in Entry Manager to β€œTitles only”; #3431
  • Added {index} and {total_items} variables to options fieldtypes; #3363
  • Enable on-the-fly cropping from image center; #2947
  • Added Debug Channel Entries Utility; #3024
  • Modified the addon update process to stay on Updates tab if more updates are available; #2860
  • Enabled testing of email configuration from email settings page

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where language was not fully loaded for date picker in channel form
  • Resolved #4180 where some regular expression patterns could not be used for validation
  • Updated CKEditor version for RTE fieldtype
  • Added more plugins and better support for advanced configuration of CKEditor in RTE
  • Resolved issue when using out-of-date translation files could cause language keys to show instead of messages
  • Resolved #3950 where order of upload directories and folders was not consistent in dropdowns
  • Resolved #4045 where Relationship field did not fully respect β€œsort by date” setting
  • Resolved #3959 where sort order of categories in Entry Manager filter could have been wrong
  • Resolved issue where template conditionals could show PHP warning
  • Resolved #4165 where Pro Variables prolet was showing PHP warning if single variables were used
  • Resolved #3844 where applying search:field="IS_EMPTY" parameter to Grid field would cause PHP warning
  • Resolved issue where the Pro Variables prolet could have bad links
  • Resolved #4159 where on-the-fly image manipulations were not cleared
  • Resolved #4135 where removing page with children from Structure was giving an error
  • Resolved #4152 where Channel Form stylesheet was overriding some custom styles
  • Resolved #4098 where Date field by default was not setting time to current
  • Resolved #4141 where password reset pages were not using custom branded logo
  • Resolved #4167 where filter dropdown sometimes requires more space

Version 7.4.5

(Release: March 20, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Resolved #3972 where it was not possible to use 1-click Updater on servers with disk_free_space() disabled
  • Enabled view counters to be displayed in Entry Manager
  • Changed default limit in Members field settings

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4148 where SuperAdmins were not able to approve members into Locked roles
  • Resolved #4147 where label of dropdown select field for member was not parsed correctly
  • Resolved #4129 where CSRF token not getting refreshed when CP session type is β€œsession only”
  • Resolved issue where saving RTE toolset could show an error
  • Resolved issue where certain uses of Member model in CLI requests were causing errors
  • Resolved #4111 where reordering groups did not work in Pro Variables

Version 7.4.4

(Release: March 11, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Enable setting global variables in config file; #3015

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where Enum validation was not working when using PHP8+
  • Resolved #987 where pagination could be wrong on Entry Manager if Categories column present
  • Resolved #4077 where PHP deprecation notice could have been shown for some migrated Pro Variables
  • Resolved #4079 where orphan relationship record could cause PHP notices
  • Resolved #4116 where PHP warning could be shown when using template layouts

Developers πŸ’»

  • Added ability to send http status code with ajax response, #4108

Version 7.4.3

(Release: March 4, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added fallback for PHP tmpfile() function when it’s not enabled
  • Improved styles for Entry Status dropdown on Publish pages

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4102 where template layouts could skip some variables
  • Resolved #4040 where required column indicators were missing inside Grid field
  • Resolved #3645 where Autosave did not include data from Grids with Relationships
  • Resolved issue where error message was not using custom system message template if an extension file was missing
  • Resolved #4033 where Menu Sets item could not be moved to the bottom
  • Resolved issue where :excerpt modifier on RTE field could cause PHP notice
  • Resolved #4072 where Pro Search could show PHP deprecation error when using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved #4083 where <em> in RedactorX was set to display:block

Developers πŸ’»

  • Resolved #3910 where JavaScript to encode / decode email addresses was using deprecated function

Version 7.4.2

(Release: February 27, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Improved styles for Checkboxes fieldtype in Channel Form
  • Include short field name in keyword search in channel settings
  • Added auto focus when editing Folder Name in the File Manager
  • Enabled specifying database for the Redis cache driver in config file; #3997

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where cloning entry with Closed status was causing an error
  • Resolved #3998 where no proper error was shown when trying to clone entry with an invalid IP address
  • Resolved #3968 where sorting order in Entry Manager was reset after applying filter
  • Resolved #3942 where using undefined layout variables as array would cause parsing issue
  • Resolved #3933 where chaining invalid modifier on File field would cause PHP error
  • Resolved #3769 where an image could been uploaded several times after closing file selection window
  • Resolved #3858 where File field was still showing upload component when user did not have File Manager permission
  • Resolved #3824 where fieldtypes in Fieldtype Advisor were not properly sorted
  • Resolved #3807 where EE Debug’s Font Awesome CSS tag was too aggressive
  • Resolved #4086 where update to 7.4 could show preflight error on some installations

Developers πŸ’»

  • Added programmatic ability to add publish layout tabs for specific channels

Version 7.4.1

(Release: February 19, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Support swatches for Colorpicker field in Channel Form

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #4050 where error was shown in Channel Form when multiple category groups were assigned
  • Resolved #4048 where category group could not be added from Channel page if no other category groups exist
  • Resolved issue when category group settings were not retained after editing from Channel page
  • Resolved issue where {categories} variable pair was not populated in Channel Form
  • Resolved issue where only one category group was shown in Categories filter in Entry manager if the channel is selected
  • Resolved issue where Categories filter was empty if no channel is selected in Entry Manager
  • Resolved #3913 where PHP deprecation error could be shown on entry manager page when entry author did not exist
  • Resolved #3894 where PHP error could be shown when displaying CAPTCHA using PHP 8.1
  • Resolved #3886 where namespace of exception handler in the backup:database command was causing issues when it fails
  • Resolved #3883 where update:prepare command could throw errors

Version 7.4.0

(Release: February 14, 2024)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added Members fieldtype to select one or multiple members in channel entry; #1080
  • Introduced ability for custom fieldtypes to be used in Member profiles; #715
  • Introduced new Member Manager with configurable column display
  • Added global variables for logged in user’s avatar; #2583
  • Enabled logging in using email address; #2931
  • Member Registration and Profile Edit forms now include form field output options similar to Channel Entry form.
  • Added more variables to address position of field in group inside Fluid field
  • Enabled editing HTML source in RTE with CKEditor
  • Added RTE configuration to use custom CKEditor build
  • Added Styles plugin for CKEditor in RTE; #3136
  • Added RedactorX as editing engine for RTE
  • Deprecated Redactor editing engine
  • Enabled showing field short names on Entry Publish page; #3340
  • Enabled passing through valid HTML form attributes to forms in ExpressionEngine as tag parameters; #441
  • Improved getting real IP address of visitor when using load balancers
  • Added ability to edit file metadata from file field; #2855
  • Added primary_role_id parameter for exp:channel:entries to work same as older group_id; #1353
  • Enabled synchronizing upload directory via CLI; #3044
  • Added CLI command to run Content Reindex; #3428
  • Added styles to Toggle, Slider, Radio, Grid, Date, Selectable Buttons fieldtypes for better use with Channel Form
  • Enabled {exp:member:has_role} to check against multiple roles; #2749
  • Improved updater script to ensure that built-in roles are always present; #3200
  • Improved Entry Date field to make it user-friendly to pick different time; #3021
  • Added {exp:member:role_groups} template tag
  • Allow making category group required for channel
  • Allow restricting category selection to single category per group; #2865
  • Improved performance of Structure tab on entry publish page
  • Improved synchronization of conditional fields status

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3489 where member_rows variable in exp:member:memberlist did not support backspace parameter
  • Resolved #2806 where relationships field data was not saved if that was the only change for ChannelEntry model
  • Resolved #3865 where cloning entries with field groups in Fluid field did not retain grouping
  • Resolved #2703 where legacy member template could be shown when placing empty member tag
  • Resolved #243 where email length was limited to maximum username length
  • Resolved #3841 where some characters in entry title might cause automatic url_title generation to not work
  • Resolved #3973 where cloned channel might been not shown as option when saving entry
  • Resolved PHP compatibility issue in Channel Calendar tags

Developers πŸ’»

  • Enable passing through MySQL PDO configuration from config file; #2989; #3427
  • Only set MySQL collation explicitely if it’s different than default
  • Skip performing SQL JOIN on field data tables, if no custom fields exist on model
  • Added cli_boot and cli_before_handle extension hooks to run on each CLI request; #2846
  • Added before_response_send_output and after_response_send_output extension hooks

Version 7.3.15

(Release: January 18, 2024)

Important: This version includes important security updates.

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3989 where Role permissions could have been saved during validation request
  • Resolved #3749 where TLS 1.3 was showing up as option in email settings for PHP versions that don’t support it
  • Resolved #3860 where certain β€œSave” buttons did not scale properly on mobile devices
  • Resolved #3884 where error could be shown using CLI sync:conditional-fields command when using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved issue where saving entry with Fluid field using groups could throw PHP error if field was removed from group

Version 7.3.14

(Release: October 24, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Changed description for is_system_on setting on MSM sites for extra clarity; #3043
  • Added {folder_id} variable and parameter for subfolder support in exp:file:entries tag; #3820
  • Added possibility to collapse categories in control panel; #2917

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3745 where Color picker not working inside grid
  • Resolved #3841 where foreign_chars config was missing commonly used symbol
  • Resolved #3825 where PHP deprecation error could be shown when using some third-party fieldtypes in Fluid field
  • Resolved #3808 where PHP deprecation messages could be shown when saving entry using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved issue where it was not possible to address new tabs on CP Layouts page with external JavaScript

Version 7.3.13

(Release: October 11, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3766 where using invalid modifier when chaining on-the-fly image manipulations would cause PHP warning
  • Resolved #3762 where selection of checkboxes in Grid with values containing single quotes was not re-populated after saving an entry
  • Resolved #3743 where invisible characters in filenames caused corrupt path errors
  • Updated ColorPicker fieldtype so it could be used with Channel Form
  • Resolved #3754 where PHP deprecation notice could be shown when using File Grid with file column empty
  • Resolved #3759 when pressing Ctrl+S with Redactor editor being in full screen mode would cause the field content to be erased
  • Resolved #3772 where ExpressionEngine News dashboard widgets was not using date formatting preference
  • Resolved issue where CP could sometimes redirect to invalid URL after idle session
  • Resolved some PHP 8.2 compatibility issues

Version 7.3.12

(Release: September 6, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Reduce the number of queries when fetching templates by caching some queries

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3636 where searching in File Manager while having Upload Directory selected did not include files in subfolders
  • Resolved #2814 where Date picker wasn’t always showing calendar when manually entering date into a date field
  • Resolved #3718 where edit links were showing up in Relationship field even for entries where user had no permissions
  • Resolved issue where PHP notice was shown when running updater using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved issue where the user was redirected to different page after saving Front-End Editing Settings
  • Resolved issue where using undefined layout variables in tag parameters would cause unexpected results

Developers πŸ’»

  • Updated testing suite to use Cypress 13

Version 7.3.11

(Release: August 15, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added display of seconds for revisions and autosaves; #3644
  • Enabled additional caching in Structure
  • Reduced the number of SQL queries when performing search in Entry Manager

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #200 where template layouts did not properly work with Channel Form
  • Resolved #1788 where HTML Buttons were loaded with Channel Form even when not in use
  • Resolved issue where the status indicator was not displayed after searching in the Relationships field.
  • Resolved #3686 when having Minimum rows setting for File Grid higher than 1 would prevent entry from saving
  • Resolved conflicts in scoped dependency functions
  • Resolved issue where Channel form grid has duplicated label for every single row
  • Resolved #3680 where term Snippet was still used in error message
  • Resolved issue where Download link for files using on-local storage adapters did not work
  • Resolved #3383 where loading File Grid fields with many rows was slow
  • Resolved issue where PHP variable was not defined properly
  • Resolved issue where navigating subfolders in File Manager did not retain filers and sorting
  • Fixed issue when styling in Grid field was not accurate when sorting
  • Resolved #532 where index template could be deleted but then immediately recreated
  • Resolved #3667 where all members with access to Template Manager could access System Templates

Version 7.3.10

(Release: August 11, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3689 where third party fieldtypes were causing issues due to having a null value set.

Version 7.3.9

(Release: August 9, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Improved Control Panel accessibility for using screen readers
  • Resolved #3623 where printing website pages could include graphical elements from the Dock.
  • Include Entry ID when searching in Relationship field; #3537
  • Added Utility and post-update check for duplicate Template Groups

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where it was not possible to save loaded revision if Fluid field has some fields deleted;
  • Resolved #3639 where is was not possible to save loaded revision with removed Grid rows;
  • Resolved #3529 where records for Grid and Relationship fields were still left in database after removing from Fluid
  • Resolved #2666 where using Dynamic query caching caused pagination on Structure listing being inaccurate
  • Resolved issue where field group names were made lowercase in Fluid
  • Resolved #3347 where members without permission to edit own entries could still access those with direct link
  • Resolved issue when selecting subfolder in file field was showing incorrect message in upload component
  • Resolved #3634 where having MSM-shared upload directory would cause Pages to be saved to wrong site
  • Resolved issue where JavaScript error could be shown when accessing add-on settings
  • Resolved #3595 where File field did not present explanation of assigned upload directory on other MSM site
  • Resolved issue where PHP warning could have been shown when using Grid with Pro Variables
  • Resolved #3596 where duplicate entry dates could cause inconsistent ordering in Entry Manager
  • Resolved #3538 where validation for Field Group name was too strict
  • Resolved #723 where some language strings were still using β€œmember groups” instead of β€œroles”

Developers πŸ’»

  • Moved dependencies for ExpressionEngine Pro to system vendor-build folder; #3666
  • Resolved #442 where some code was not formatted well

Version 7.3.8

(Release: July 20, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where a duplicate template group would display a 404 page instead of finding a template that belongs to the original group

Version 7.3.7

(Release: July 20, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3583 where RSS Parser user guide was referencing non-existing feed
  • Resolved #3594 where template tags created from CLI would show error when used in Live Preview
  • Resolved issue where site_id might not be available in Post Flight checks
  • Resolved #3439 where using File field limited to upload directory on other site would result in JavaScript error
  • Resolved #3589 where some update routines could have been not run when updating from Low to Pro add-ons

Version 7.3.6

(Release: July 10, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3568 where deselecting all template access for Role in one MSM site would also deselect it on other sites
  • Resolved #2017 where comments were not added to Spam trap when changing comment status in Control Panel;
  • Resolved #1826 where popup with spam details could be hard to navigate to
  • Resolved #2787 where missing fieldtype would prevent adding new field or entry
  • Resolved #3456 where image manipulation could have wrong orientation
  • Resolved #674 where having conflicting member_id in Member Import XML file was causing SQL error
  • Resolved #2178 where pagination in Entry Manager was not correct for people who only can edit their own entries
  • Resolved issue where Structure would show deprecation notice when using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved issue with Comments entry tag would show deprecation notice when using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved #3402 where PHP 8.1 deprecation noticed showed when build editing entries with pages module installed
  • Resolved issue where uninstalled add-ons could have still have tab file called from Entry Manager
  • Resolved #3397 where Template Routes page was showing deprecation notices when using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved #3123 where having template records without template group in database would case PHP notices in template editor
  • Resolved #3371 where Grid fields could show PHP error when ExpressionEngine was updated from older version
  • Resolved #3350 where PHP notice might be shown when parsing empty member field
  • Resolved #218 where Control Panel links could sometimes break after submitting idle login popup

Version 7.3.5

(Release: June 26, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Make β€˜Synchronize Upload Directory’ utility set the correct file type if it is not set; #3134

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where some errors did not render properly when using custom error template
  • Resolved issue where not all messages were added to template processing log
  • Resolved #3548 where Structure navigation in CP was problematic on mobile devices
  • Resolved #3445 where wrong error message could be shown when creating a grid field
  • Resolved #3421 where CLI extension hook generator had wrong info for relationship_query
  • Resolved #595 where the message about invalid theme folder path was not clear when performing 1-click update
  • Resolved #1310 where Moblog add-on was setting incorrect edit_date
  • Resolved #1829 where entry category was not set properly by Moblog
  • Resolved #2541 where Moblog was not processing attachments properly
  • Resolved issue where automatically renamed attachments were not properly processed by Moblog
  • Resolved #690 where is was possible to save required File Grid without files

Version 7.3.4

(Release: June 19, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added preference for TLS version used when sending email over SMTP; #2035
  • Added validation for image manipulation names to not be numeric; #2884

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3099, #2178 where existing entries did not show up in Entry Manager if the user did not have editing permission on another channel
  • Resolved #3020 where β€œlogin as” functionality was broken if member had MFA enabled
  • Resolved #3522 where early parsed Grids in Pro Variables would not render properly
  • Resolved #3349 where comment moderation preferences were not fully checked
  • Resolved #2705 where β€œminimum rows” setting was not respected by File Grid fields
  • Resolved #3384 where Reassign Entries dialog sometimes did not populate when deleting a member
  • Resolved #2666 where using Structure with dynamic channel queries caching on could cause some pages to display incorrectly
  • Resolved issue when not all Pro Variables classes were loaded when creating new field
  • Resolved issue where PHP warnings was shown when running make:command in CLI while on PHP 8.2
  • Resolved issue where running updater could try to create templates from files outside of site’s template directory
  • Resolved issue where image manipulation could malfunction if the resize protocol was not set

Version 7.3.3

(Release: June 13, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3429 where channel="not X" parameter did not work correctly if channel X did not exist
  • Resolved #3112 where checkboxes could have been duplicated in long checkboxes lists
  • Resolved #2627; #1623 when importing Channel Set that includes File field caused validation error
  • Resolved #1645 where Channel Sets with File Grid field were not properly imported

Version 7.3.2

(Release: June 9, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where Fluid field from older ExpressionEngine versions did not display the data in CP

Version 7.3.1

(Release: June 8, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where Entry Manager could show PHP error when some add-on was missing
  • Resolved issue where it was impossible to edit Categories when using phone
  • Resolved #3259 where certain conditionals in templates could generate PHP warning
  • Resolved issue where MariaDB 10 could report the wrong version to the DB requirements checker

Version 7.3.0

(Release: June 8, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Raised required MySQL version to 5.6.4 in order to support InnoDB engine for Pro Search indexes
  • Allowed cloning of channel fields, layouts, member roles and categories; #2032, #561
  • Added per-channel setting to enforce automatic URL titles for entries; #952; #2645; #183
  • Allowed making upload directories available for all MSM sites; #78
  • Added visual status indicator to Relationship field; #2522
  • Added Template Variables, Template Partials and System Templates to Search and Replace utility; #1384
  • Added setting for the day of week start
  • Updated date fieldtype to allow hiding localization buttons and not including time; #652
  • Allowed variables to use multiple modifiers; #136
  • Enable field groups to be used in Fluid fields
  • Added CLI commands for add-ons management
  • Added CLI commands to modify system configuration
  • Added CLI command to backup database
  • Added CLI commands to synchronize file usage data
  • Updated underscore.js library to latest version
  • Added Publish prolet to enable creating entries on front-end

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #2691 where FLoC header was still sent which is not used anymore
  • Resolved issue when not all server requirements were checked when installing ExpressionEngine for the first time
  • Resolved issue where Control Panel links could sometimes break after submitting idle login popup
  • Resolved #83 where β€˜xhtml’ string could mistakenly appear in Fluid field search excerpt
  • Resolved #458 where variable modifiers were not fully available in search results
  • Resolved #1085 where having variables in searchable fields could break search results
  • Resolved #1851 where some custom fields could be excluded from search
  • Resolved #1869 where unnecessary search term sanitization was performed making the results inaccurate
  • Resolved #1862 where search results could not display more than 100 entries when not using pagination
  • Resolved #66 where sorting search results was limited
  • Resolved #3402 where PHP 8.1 deprecation noticed were shown when bulk editing entries without Pages URL set but Pages module installed
  • Resolved #3397 where Template Routes page was showing deprecation notices when using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved #3123 where having template records without template group in database would case PHP notices in template editor
  • Resolved #3371 where Grid fields could show PHP error when ExpressionEngine was updated from older version
  • Resolved #3350 where PHP notice might be shown when parsing empty member field

Developers πŸ’»

  • Allowed module tabs to be displayed as columns in Entry Manager; #645
  • Enabled additional variable modifiers to be registered by add-ons; #1203
  • Added config overrides for user and Control Panel session length; #3114

Version 7.2.17

(Release: May 2, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Improved counting members on role
  • Added extra information on RTE advanced configuration
  • Resolved issue where icons on Channels page were not self-evident
  • Enabled File field to be used as Pro Variable; #2498
  • Added separate list with selected categories for Entry page Category tab #2807
  • Added more information to template debugger when using search parameter in exp:channel:entries; #2670

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Wrap Structure global functions to avoid conflict
  • Resolved #3261 where empty Grid row could have been added in Fluid upon saving
  • Resolved #2148 where entry status was not updated after change of status name
  • Resolved #477 where no information was provided when editing entry with status that’s not accessible to member
  • Resolved #3331 Where Categories tab shows empty alert when no category groups assigned
  • Resolved #758 where installation wizard did not work when PHP was configured to have no memory limit
  • Resolved #1795 Where display of negative numerical field has - placed incorrectly for RTL text direction
  • Resolved issue where setting member field type might not work properly when called programmatically
  • Resolved #3224 where descending sorting order did not persist when using pagination in File Manager
  • Resolved #2609 where the permissions for Guests role could be incorrect and Guest could log in
  • Resolved #2570 where saving empty β€œSelect Entries” Pro Variable was throwing SQL error
  • Resolved #2843 where Channel Form was saving file field data in old format
  • Resolved #2112 where deleting too many logs could cause the system go out of memory
  • Resolved #2387 where PHP error could be shown when several developer logs are existing
  • Resolved #3286 when warning was shown when using member fields with PHP 8.2

Developers πŸ’»

  • Added GridColumn model
  • Improve error reporting when instantiating non-existent model
  • Added relationships to model definitions that were missing
  • Improve string-to-boolean conversion; #1959

Version 7.2.16

(Release: April 24, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Optimize logging developer messages; #3057
  • Added keyboard shortcut for saving Pro Variables
  • Resolved #3222 where File icon in File field does not match field type
  • Resolved #2028 where Installer/Updater does not respect the theme
  • Resolved #3247, where H2 tag didn’t respect theme colors on Redactor RTE
  • Improved styles for Pages add-on settings
  • Improved #518 where β€˜Include in search’ option from Relationships field should have been hidden.

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3222 where File icon in File field does not match field type
  • Resolved #3174 where min height of RTE field could be wrong when using different CKEditor configurations for same entry
  • Resolved #3272 where parsing order was not correct for add-ons that contain both module and plugin file
  • Resolved #846, #1840 where scroll immediately closes the sidebar on mobile screen
  • Resolved #2417 where PHP error could have shown when saving channel layout
  • Resolved #3274 where special characters in URL for on-the-fly manipulated images were encoded twice
  • Resolved #3245 where 0 could be displayed as empty string in template variables provided by add-ons
  • Resolved #3246 where not all checks for empty Grid or Fluid field worked correctly in templates when using PHP 8.1
  • Resolved #3190 where pagination in File Manager did not respect permissions for upload directories
  • Resolved #3302 where Structure was showing deprecation notices when using PHP 8.2
  • Resolved #3191 where PHP errors could be shown when installing add-on that have a fieldtype and module
  • Resolved #3286 where PHP errors could be thrown on creating of a dynamic property
  • Resolved #510 where existing entries did not have the correct value for toggle field after it was added to a channel it also did not prompt to update existing entries with the default toggle value

Version 7.2.15

(Release: April 12, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #1899 Where the β€œlink” HTML button didn’t work as intended
  • Resolved #3202 where searching in Categories filter in File Manager category did not work after changing another filter
  • Resolved #3157 where the list of authors to reassign the entries when deleting member could be wrong
  • Resolved #3101 where autosaves table for new entry included entries from other channels
  • Resolved #3162 where in RTE field using CKEditor the links to images in subfolder were not correct
  • Resolved #3152 where settings for RTE Pro Variables field were not saved
  • Resolved #3147 where templates export did not work when using PHP 8.1
  • Resolved #1099 where File Menu Width Remains Too Narrow
  • Resolved #3027 where upload directories with angle brackets were not displayed correctly in file manager filters

Version 7.2.14

(Release: April 6, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where login form on front-end was showing incorrect error

Version 7.2.13

(Release: April 4, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue where Live Preview did not work with Fluid fields

  • Resolved #3129 where β€œextension missing” messages could be visible to guests even when the site is offline

  • Resolved #2752 where cross-domain multi-site login was not working

  • Fixed #3130 where the filter control to add/delete columns doesn’t do anything on File modal on publish

  • Resolved #3127 where PHP error was shown when creating shortcut from Pro Search log

  • Fixed #3120 where duplicate status options with large number of statuses in cp

  • Resolved #3126 where Mass Notification Export utility did not work properly

  • Resolved #3135, #3047 where the columns in Entry Manager did not dynamically update if some column is not available

  • Resolved issue with sidebar member links

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added new needed_fields_only parameter to channel entries loop

Version 7.2.12

(Release: March 20, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3019 where MFA dialog was shown after disabling MFA
  • Resolved #2839 where manipulation URL was wrong for SVG files
  • Resolved #3075 where some email notifications did not respect HTML formatting preference
  • Resolved #2842 where channel form with HTML buttons could show notices when using PHP 8.1
  • Resolved #2207 where the bug report link was incorrect
  • Resolved #2822, #2678 where some custom fields were not properly parsed in Live Preview mode
  • Resolved #3093 where deprecation message could be shown when editing members using PHP 8.1
  • Resolved #3116 where navigating File Picker from Category edit page caused PHP error
  • Error with empty custom member fields
  • Improved performance on member list tag
  • Additional Role checks on creation
  • Additional PHP 8.2 support

Developers πŸ’»

  • Resolved #3069 where ChannelField model could not be saved without field_order property

Version 7.2.11

(Release: March 6, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Account for dictionary words when calculating password rank; #1806

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #3048 where entry preview on mobile was broken
  • Resolved #3035 where enabling front-end editing on very complex templates could cause some tags to be not parsed
  • Resolved #3028 where categories tab drag-and-drop re-ordering was not working
  • Resolved issue where turning on front-end editing could cause some tags to not render correctly
  • Resolved issue where CKeditor table in vertical Grid didn’t render correctly when creating a new entry
  • Resolved #2775 where approved members could have Pending as secondary role

Developers πŸ’»

  • Resolved #3030 where property in Channel module has wrong visibility

Version 7.2.10

(Release: February 20, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #2847 where some jump menu items were showing data from other MSM sites
  • Resolved issue where performing post-upgrade checks could show PHP error
  • Resolved issue where PHP notice could be shown on Live Preview when invoked from Entries prolet
  • Resolved #2481 where member count query was suboptimal
  • Resolved an issue where the author filter could have a missing label.
  • Resolved #2838 where the new related entry modal generates JS errors
  • Resolved issue when saving Grid field from third-party code could behave incorrectly
  • Resolved #2233 where cloning entry without comments could generate PHP deprecation notices
  • Resolved #2829 where entry search in mobile view was not working

Version 7.2.9

(Release: February 7, 2023)

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved #2312 where conditional fields depending on radio button could be not loaded correctly when creating new entry
  • Resolved #2765 where using ee()->table->set_data() was not possible outside of Control Panel
  • Resolved #2356 where Preview button was still visible when preview turned off in channel preferences
  • Resolved #2808 where some servers did not accept SVG files to be uploaded into image-only directory
  • Resolved #2653 where Radio and Select fields were showing values and not labels in Entry Manager
  • Resolved #2784 where having ungrouped fields could cause group filter to malfunction in Field manager
  • Resolved issue when password validation did not work properly in some cases

Version 7.2.8

(Release: January 30, 2023)

Enhancements πŸš€

  • Added options for different display layouts for File Grid fields; #2764
  • Added initial PHP 8.2 compatibility

Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Resolved issue when files on non-local filesystem could not be resized or cropped from CP
  • Resolved #2759 where checkbox field with the name of β€œstatuses” did not always render correctly
  • Resolved #2758 where reordering did not always work properly in third-party grids
  • Resolved #2761 where Structure could show PHP warning when used with third-party forms
  • Resolved issue where validation error was not properly thrown when saving a Grid in a Pro Variable
  • Resolved issue where saving Fluid without fields could result in PHP error

Version 7.2.7

(Release: January 17, 2023)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added ability to set template engine in template manager
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2759 where checkbox field with the name of β€œstatuses” does not render correctly
    • Resolved #2661 where is was not possible to search template group and template at the same time in Pages tab
    • Resolved #2437 where building Pro Search Collection via URL did not work properly
    • Resolved #2667 where errors for password resetting were not shown properly
    • Resolved #2739 where PHP notice could have been shown when accessing plugin documentation when using PHP 8.1
    • Resolved issue where Channel Form grid has extra unneeded column
    • Resolved #2735 where Text Formatter could show deprecation notices when using PHP 8.1

Version 7.2.6

(Release: January 10, 2023)

Important: This version includes important security updates.

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Add additional HTML elements to CP stylesheet; #2685
    • Allow swatches in Colorpicker fieldtype to have names
    • Retain pagination and filters on Entry Manager page after saving & closing entry; #111
    • Improved Pro Search collections page UI
    • Resolved #2658 where some parameters were not available for member management forms
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2663 where forgot password form could generate erroneous reset URLs
    • Resolved #2500 where reordering Grid with images had some issues
    • Resolved #2571 where using exp:channel:categories with no categories assigned could show PHP warning
    • Resolves issue with using lang entries in CLI command
    • Resolved issue with View Type preference not properly encoded
    • Resolved issue where Pro Search filters were using Low Search naming
    • Resolved #2679where password validation URL was giving PHP error
  • Developers πŸ’»

    • Added CLI command to generate jump files for add-ons
  • Security πŸ”’

    • Removed possibility for RCE vulnerability for authenticated CP user

Version 7.2.5

(Release: December 20, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Enabled renaming custom tabs in publish layouts; #792
    • Added system config override for font size in EE code editors; #921
    • Added per-channel setting for entry title instructions; #1790
    • Updated custom add-on development methodology. (See Add-on Development Overview )
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2500 where reordering Grid with images had some issues
    • Resolved #791 where deleting tab when editing publish layout could cause page reload
    • Resolved #786 where page moved to the top after saving new entry in a relationships modal
    • Resolved #2622 where deleting several legacy channel fields could cause MySQL error
  • Developers πŸ’»

    • Created CLI command make:fieldtype
    • Created CLI command make:cp-route
    • Created CLI command make:sidebar
    • Renamed CLI command to make:tag to make:template-tag
    • Overall improvements in several add-on related CLI commands
    • Improved several add-on service classes
    • Fixed bugs with several CLI commands
    • Fixed a few bugs with add-on service classes

Version 7.2.4

(Release: December 13, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Reduced the amounts of queries when using a relationship field.
    • Added update date in success message after saving an entry. (#1157)
    • Added ability to skip success message after submitting email contact form. (#1034)
    • Increased performance of File Manager when attempting to load thousands of files. (#2564)
    • Added confirmation toggle to keep or remove files when removing upload directory. (#2623)
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2577 where Control Panel entry pages have missing .map files.
    • Resolved #1541 where permission check for editing categories was not sufficient.
    • Fixed language variable collision with Structure.
    • Resolved #2080 where Comments column was shown in Entry Manager when Comment module is disabled.
    • Resolved #2608 where the order in which the categories are displayed on the publish page does not match the actual order from the Categories Manager page.
    • Resolved #2621 where {exp:channel:entries orderby="view_count_one"} when used on category page could throw error on MySQL 5.7.
    • Resolved #2500 Where grid reordering with images is buggy.
  • Developers πŸ’»

    • Them template type hook is now called only when EE is fully loaded.

Version 7.2.3

(Release: December 6, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2041 where it was difficult to see which option in a selectable field was selected.
    • Resolved #1527 where using modifier on category_name variable could cause PHP error.
    • Resolved issue where version block in the sidebar was not indicating a new version was available.
    • Resolved #2553 where {exp:channel:entries} output could miss some results on MSM installations with duplicate channel names.
    • Resolved form validation bug in the CLI.

Version 7.2.2

(Release: November 28, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added {logged_in_primary_role_short_name} global member variable; #2491
    • Added inline error handling for member registration form
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2107 where Cookie Consents were not fully installed when updating from EE2
    • Resolved #2439 where channel form CSS link was returning 404 error
    • Resolved #2532 where Edit Profile form could show error when used on same page with channel entries tag
    • Resolved issue where calculating file usage could show a PHP error if some upload destinations were missing
    • Resolved #2525 where using channel="not ..." parameter was returning no results on {exp:channel:entries}
    • Resolved #2497 where categories parameter did not work on relationship siblings and parents tags
    • Resolved #2505 where Stats module could show a PHP error when using PHP 8.1
    • Resolved #2550 where Pro Search did not store IPv6 addresses correctly
    • Resolved #2432 where some Structure queries were slow on large websites
    • Resolved bug when creating generic migrations using the CLI
    • Fixed some CP styles
    • Fixed some PHP 8.1 compatibility issues

Version 7.2.1

(Release: November 21, 2022)

  • Developers πŸ’»
    • Allow raw data to be set on template library.

Version 7.2.0

(Release: October 26, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added ability to edit related entries content from relationship field; #656
    • Added extra confirmation toggle when deleting fieldtype that is used by fields; #484
    • Added visual indication when viewing entry version; #1897
    • Show in which channels field is used on field edit page; #919
    • Enabled entering HTML line break tags into Entry Title fields; #1633
    • Added β€œUpload Directory” column for File Manager table; #98
    • Added β€œungrouped” as a filter to the list of Fields; #516
    • Changed the redirect upon field edit to field group list, if the field is in group; #258
    • Updated CKEditor and Redactor to recent versions
    • Enabled extended configuration of RTE toolsets using JSON; #1465
    • Enable using external stylesheet in RTE fields; #1425
    • Support RTL text direction in Rich Text fields; #1981
    • Moved the selected checkboxes to the top of the list if the list is too long; #653
    • Enable including database views into backups
    • Added new CLI commands for generating add-on Actions, Tags, and Extension Hooks
    • Added compatibility-mode flag to make:addon CLI command
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2438 where Low Variable types were not migrated properly to Pro Variable types
    • Resolved #1249 where image was not inserted into correct place in textarea field
    • Resolved #2431 where Image HTML button should not have been editable
    • Resolved #2430 where editing template by member without settings & access permission was resetting allowed roles
    • Resolved #2410 where some fieldtypes could not be used as columns in Entry Manager
    • Resolved #2361 where Redactor toolbar was hidden behind entry tabs when sticked to the top of the screen
    • Resolved #2403 where clickable area for checkboxes was too large
    • Resolved #2411, #2412 where filepicker was not always working outside of File field
    • Resolved issue where File link was not in navigation sidebar for some members with proper permissions
    • Resolved issue where empty edit buttons were present for sidebar elements that member does not have access to edit
    • Resolved #2437 where horizontal grid fields could go outside the container
    • Resolved #2435 when having two Pro Search results tags with keywords:stem parameter on same page caused PHP error
    • Resolved issue where reCaptcha threshold was not checked correctly
    • Resolved #2484 where FTP library was not working properly on PHP 8.1
  • Developers πŸ’»

    • New Add-on Classes
    • make:addon CLI command now generates add-on’s with Add-on controller classes

Version 7.1.6

(Release: September 26, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved issue when saving some member profile settings could show PHP error when using PHP 8
    • Resolved #2363 where reordering fields in Channel Layouts did not work properly
    • Resolved #2390 where File Picker was not working if no file field was present on page
    • Resolved #2393 where replacing file with existing manipulations could generate PHP error
    • Resolved issue where entries could be not displayed on front-end if channel name also existed on other MSM site
    • Resolved #2395 where deleting directory might not work correctly on some environments
    • Resolved issue where PHP error could be shown after update if templates are not synchronized
    • Resolved issue where search parameter on exp:channel:entries tag could only be used once

Version 7.1.5

(Release: September 13, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved issue where File Manager page was not updated after uploading SVG file
    • Resolved #2375 where Profiler section in CP had some English words hardcoded
    • Resolved #2366 where is was not possible to use title in search parameter of exp:channel:entries tag
    • Resolved #1651 where dropdowns in File field were showing the directories that member was not allowed to access
    • Resolved issue where displaying entry with file fields could be slow
    • Resolved issue where file management on servers with open_basedir restrictions could give PHP errors
    • Resolved issue where Grid fields with many columns were not rendered properly on page load

Version 7.1.4

(Release: September 6, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2298 where Publish Layouts were not accessible for member via secondary role
    • Resolved #2104 where opening link in new tab could falsely alert about leaving the page
    • Resolved #2135 where categories were not parsed in related categories mode
    • Resolved #1541 where some fields connected to toggle button were not showing or hiding accordingly
    • Resolved #185 where anchor β€œname” attribute was getting incorrect prefix in third-party textareas inside Grid
    • Resolved #2128 where settings of Checkboxes column in Grid field were not saved
    • Resolved #2348 where saving entry could show PHP error when using PHP 8.1
    • Resolved #2360, #2303 where certain server configuration were giving PHP error that caused file management to not function properly
    • Resolved #2122 where Live Preview was not working correctly when template was using search on checkboxes column in Grid
    • Resolved #2285 where exception shown after creating select field populating from other field, but no source field selected

Version 7.1.3

(Release: September 1, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #2331 where saving template revision was causing SQL error when using long table prefix
    • Resolved #2335 where having references to non-existing files in File field could case PHP error in Entry Manager listing
    • Resolved #2116 where disabling MFA globally could cause redirect loop on login for some users
    • Resolved #2279 where ColorPicker dropdown was not visible in new Grid rows
    • Resolved #2131, #913 where moving fields between tabs in Channel Layouts did not work well
    • Resolved #2121 where hitting esc in New Entry slideout modal could case data loss
    • Resolved #2338 where vertical layout was not fully supported by Grid in Pro Variables
    • Resolved #2340 where Pro Variables of Grid type could show PHP notice on frontend
    • Resolved issue when files could not be uploaded on certain server configurations

Version 7.1.2

(Release: August 22, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added support for form_class parameter in legacy Forgot Password Form
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved issue when member role record was not deleted after deleting member
    • Resolved issue when URLs to files with special characters in name were not properly encoded
    • Resolved #2126 where β€œadd field” button was present for field groups that are not saved yet
    • Resolved #2076, #2141 where button to update template routes was missing some functionality
    • Resolved #1901 where add-ons with related models were not properly uninstalled
    • Resolved #2109 where loading third-party dashboard widgets could cause PHP error
    • Resolved #2255 where β€œAnonymize Consent Logs” feature was not fully functional
    • Resolved #2297 where deferring relationship field was not working for fields with data
    • Resolved #2279 where ColorPicker field did not display saved values

Version 7.1.1

(Release: August 19, 2022)

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›
    • Resolved issue where license check could return incorrect results
    • Resolved #2263 where the instructions for adding IP to Blocked list were not correct
    • Minor UI updates

Version 7.1.0

(Release: August 18, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Enhancements πŸš€

    • Added Structure as first-party add-on, shipped with ExpressionEngine
    • Added indicator to display number of installed add-ons, #1944
    • Added edit_date column in Entry Manager, #1850
    • Added possibility to defer initialization of Relationship field
    • Added support for table alias in SQL joins when using Active Record, #2096
    • Enable exp:search:total_results to be parsed as tag pair, #1193
    • Added has_children variable to category tags, #1726
    • Various UI improvements
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved #1561 where file column in file grid field was not searchable
    • Resolved issue when PHP error was shown for non-existing addons
    • Resolved #2157 where Color Picker field was cut off when used inside Grid field
    • Resolved #2279 where ColorPicker fields were not initialized on page load
    • Resolved #2115 where conditional validation did not work properly on existing objects
    • Resolved #2136 where formatters for duration field set to hours type were not parsed properly
    • Resolved #2105 where adding new row for File Grid inside Fluid could cause validation error
    • Resolved issue where PHP notice could be shown when calling Template library from an add-on
    • Resolved #2127 where there was a typo in definition of Extension model
    • Resolved #2248 where emphasized markdown was placed in separate line inside Notes field
    • Resolved #2103 where value column of conditional field settings could be populated with wrong values
    • Resolved #2228 where dropdown to create entry inside Relationship field was not positioned properly
    • Resolved #2063 where outdated resources could be served
    • Resolved issue where MetaWeblog could not post if channel_id is not available
    • Resolved #1358 where setting CP Homepage for member could cause PHP error on large sites using MSM
    • Resolved issue when sometimes avatar could not be uploaded on frontend
  • Developers πŸ’»

    • Added extension hook to be executed upon cache clearing, #1762

Version 7.0.3

(Release: August 8, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Fixed issue where Update File Usage utility was not always giving correct results.
    • Resolved issue where files in subfolder were not stored properly in RTE field using Redactor.
    • Resolved #2208 where language files for some add-ons were not placed in correct location.
    • Resolved issue where Grid inside Fluid was not empty initially
    • Resolved issue where filtering by member group in channel form could result in SQL error

Version 7.0.2

(Release: August 4, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Temporarily disabled Update File Usage utility due to a bug that affected some users. Utility will be re-enabled in 7.0.3

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Fixed issue with file usage stats.

Version 7.0.1

(Release: August 4, 2022)

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

    • Resolved issue where Update File Usage utility did not provide correct results when run for second time.
    • Resolved issue where URLs to files in subfolder were not parsed in {exp:file:entries} tag.
    • Resolved issue where Pro Variables and Pro Search could not be installed on some PHP versions.

Version 7.0.0

(Release: August 3, 2022)

Note: If multiple members are needed, an ExpressionEngine Pro license is now required.

  • Contributors πŸ™Œ

  • New File Manager πŸ—ƒοΈ

    • New File Manager design including the additions to Filters and Views
    • Added utility action menu to files in the File Manager, allowing for quicker actions to be taken on individual files
    • Added Pop-up preview to thumbnails when viewing files in list view
    • Ability to upload files with drag and drop.
    • Bulk upload files using drag and drop or standard file system upload
    • Ability to organize content into subfolders
    • Folders can now be created directly on the filesystem through the File Manager
    • Implemented FlySystem PHP library to add more extensiblity to the File Manager.
    • Added support for cloud based file storage through Adapters
    • Changed how files are referenced in the database. Previously files were referenced using {filedir_X}filename.ext. Files are now referenced using {file:XX:url}. Compatibility Mode is recommended for upgrades until there is confirmation that all add-ons will work with new file data format.
    • File usage is now available in the File Manager to display where a file is used throughout the Control Panel as well as notify users if a file is in use before deleting the file
  • Enhancements πŸš€

  • Design 🎨

    • Added new light theme. ExpressionEngine 6 theme is still available as the β€œslate” theme using the Jump Menu
    • Added the option to display Grid fields vertically
    • Added the ability to position Entry Editor fields side-by-side using Publish Layouts
    • Made the secondary sidebar collapsible throughout the Control Panel
  • Bug Fixes πŸ’ƒπŸ›

  • Developers πŸ’»

    • Forum Add-on has now been removed from ExpressionEngine and made a downloadable add-on from the ExpressionEngine Store. On upgrades which use the Forum Add-on, the add-on will be moved from the ee/addons folder to user/addons and considered a user installed add-on.
    • Simple Commerce Add-on has now been removed from ExpressionEngine and made a downloadable add-on from the ExpressionEngine Store. On upgrades which use the Simple Commerce Add-on, the add-on will be moved from the ee/addons folder to user/addons and considered a user installed add-on.
    • Ip to Nation Add-on has now been removed from ExpressionEngine and made a downloadable add-on from the ExpressionEngine Store. On upgrades which use the Ip to Nation Add-on, the add-on will be moved from the ee/addons folder to user/addons and considered a user installed add-on.
    • The included version of jQuery used in the Control Panel has been updated to v3.6.0
    • Added the option to globally cache Channel Entries tag results
    • Added ENV File Support
    • Added new Shared Form View